Forbes names OLG on Canada’s Best Employers for Diversity for 2023 list
OLG ranked 70 out of 150
OLG has been selected as one of Canada’s Best Employers for Diversity for 2023, ranking 70th out of 150 on Forbes’ list.
The ranking was decided by Forbes in collaboration with Statista – an online platform specializing in data gathering – after conducting an independent survey of employees working for companies with more than 500 employees in Canada.
Forbes’ recognition of the Crown corporation’s diversity work follows that of Diversio, which last year rated OLG as one of the Top 20 Most Innovative Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion businesses.
Meanwhile, earlier this year, OLG conducted its third Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Employee Census, reporting an 11% improvement in its inclusion score compared to 2021, which places the firm ‘well above’ industry benchmarks.
Esther Zdolec, OLG’s Senior Vice President of People and Culture, commented: “We want our employees to have the space to be themselves and feel empowered to use their imaginations and skills to benefit the people and the communities of Ontario.
“We see EDI as a pillar of our success — because together we are more creative, innovative and inclusive.”
OLG was also selected for Forbes’ list of Canada’s Best Employers in 2022 and 2023, placing in the top 20% of companies in the former and the top 15% in the latter.
“We know that our strength is in our collective differences and that every OLGer brings value to the team,” added Duncan Hannay, OLG’s President and CEO.
“We’re humbled to know that so many of our employees see OLG as a workplace that encourages and celebrates diversity — and we’re honoured to be recognized on Forbes prestigious list.”
Elsewhere this week, OLG inked a new affiliate marketing agreement with Gateway Casinos & Entertainment to promote its iCasino and iSports offering.